The little things matter

Hotel Amenities

We know how something others consider redundant might be important for you. That’s why we’ve added as many amenities we can for every room we have at Pima Inn Suites.

Everyday ease

Room amenities

Pima Inn Suites offers a large number of room amenities that will ease up your stay when you’re on your vacation. Here’s what you always get when you stay here.


Start the day on a high-note when you brew your own pot of fresh brew in the morning.

Private Balcony

Each suite has its own balcony, the perfect spot to plan the day’s activities or reflect on all that was enjoyed at the end of the day.

Fitness Center

Maintain your exercise program while away by taking advantage of our fully-equipped fitness room.

Widescreen TV

Relax with your favorite shows on Widescreen TVs. Premium channels are included for free.

Free Local Shuttle

Take the convenient shuttle to all the near-by sights, attractions, stores and restaurants.

Keyless Entry

(Coming Soon) Gain access to your room through the convenience of your cell phone.

Free Wifi

At Pima Inn Suites, in-room wi-fi is a standard – not a luxury. Enjoy free wi-fi 24 hours a day.


Continue your exercise regimen or simply refresh and relax by the pool.

Laundry Room

Our on-site laundry makes traveling convenient and easy.


It doesn’t matter the temperature outside. Enjoy the comfort and cooling power of our commercial grade air conditioning.


We cover the big things and the little things. Even items like hangers are provided to make your stay as complete as possible.

Full Kitchen

Cook what you want when you want in your own kitchen, complete with stove, refrigerator and microwave.

Free Covered Parking

Keep your vehicle safe and secure, while sheltered from the sun and the outdoor elements.


Everything needed to make your stay complete is provided. You name it and it’s there: towels, sheets, paper products, soap, hair dryer, toilet paper.

Secure Suite Access

All Pima Inn Suites can only be accessed through a secure inside corridor.


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